In some cases, you need to improve your Analytics profile with more traffic and lower your bounce rate. In this case study we will show you how to lower your bounce rate and boost your daily traffic in your Google Analytics profile.



Here you can see our Google Analytics profile before buying PV/TOS traffic. As you can see there are around 20 daily users and the bounce rate is 87.7%. We want to improve the amount of users that are visiting the website and lower the bounce rate to get better statistics in Google Analytics.

bad statistics case study noviclick


Buying PV/TOS traffic to improve our Analytics profile

To improve our statistics in Google Analytics we will buy PV/TOS traffic. We will show you the campaign settings that we used below:

Campaign settings:

Ad Format: PV/TOS traffic
Pricing Model: CPC
Bid: $0,002 ($2CPM)
Categories: Mainstream
Countries: The Netherlands
Device Types: All
Operating Systems: All
Browsers: All
Period: 2022-09-26 – 2022-10-01


campaign settings pv/tos traffic



With this campaign we improved our daily users from 20 to around 100 daily users and lowered the bounce rate to 48.37%. We did this with a total budget of $1.61 for 7 days, see the statistics below.

results case study noviclick



Creating an campaign takes around 1 minute and after that it will improve your statistics after enough traffic. So it’s a really easy method for people that want to improve their website statistics in Google Analytics and is therefore definitely recommended.


Create your PV/TOS campaign