Labels are flags that can be added to a campaign url or creatives and limit the traffic the campaign is eligible for. This is because some of our premium publishers don’t allow the use of specific wording or brand names.


How to know if a campaign or creatives has any labels?

After a campaign has been approved, and it has any labels they are displayed below the URL field and in the creatives table.

Tip: on a campaign with multiple creatives it’s possible to have creatives with and without labels to get the maximum out of each publisher


Which labels are there?

Labeled as “Brand”:

  • Brand logos including spelled wrong
  • Don’t talk in behalve of the brand
  • Messages from postal services
  • Imitation of interfaces of well-known sites

Labeled as “False-claim”:

  • Scary offers or landing pages like: ”you have an virus”
  • Fake system update messages like “you have (3) messages”
  • Your phone has been paid. Claim it now
  • Landing pages focused on collecting subscribers
  • Celebrities or politicians names for fake news

Labeled as “Sexual” (only applicable to mainstream campaigns):

  • Creatives, offers or landing pages that have sexually provocative content like
    “do you want to fuck?”
  • Full and partial nudity, sex toys, images of sexual intercourse, genitals, masturbation


Text or Icon Label Solution
Post Office: (1) Notification

Package is ready for pickup. Click here.

False-claim Check your inbox..
Click here for a new Samsung S20.
You have won an iPhone False-claim You may win an iPhone
Your PC is infected with viruses False-claim Your PC May be infected
(1) New message False-claim Check your messages
Do you want to fuck? Sexual Do you want to chat?